Monday, November 12, 2012

Donnie Darko vs. Frankenstein

source: google images

I tend to try and connect things at first seem to be unrelated at all spectrums, but I can normally find a common thing that can associate one with the other. I just watched Donnie Darko, for the millionth time, last night and was simultaneously thinking about Frankenstein at the same time. I realized that both Donnie and the monster relate in very similar ways. Both the monster and Donnie receive little attention from their creators and that results in negative behavior. Obviously, Donnie struggles with psychological issues but I feel  that the monster does as well because of the lack of proper development.

Another connectin I made between the monster and Donnie is that both understand the feeling of being alone, as Donnie says, "She said that every living creature on Earth dies alone." Although Donnie is not technically fully alone like the monster, he feels alone in that he is the only one that can understand his thoughts and actions because of his mental condition. It's almost the same for the monster because he is also the only one that knows why he does what he does.

Both Donnie and the monster do bad things and live a lonely life, but it is the fact that they both die alone which is where the real connection is seen. No matter what they could have done, it was inevitable that they were going to die alone. It was a matter of deus ex machina for both of them which led to both of their deaths. The act of God for Donnie was the wormhole and the act of God for the monster was his creation from nothing. Although both of these characters represent a different genre, there are similarities in characteristics that one can learn from from both of these works. Both of their stories are tragic, and they both end in death, but it is important to take away that both of these fictional works will somehow improve one's intellectual abilities.

 source:google images 

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